Santa came again this year...looking as good as ever!
He always is so sweet and gentle to the ladies. He tells us how wonderful we are. What a man.The grandkids are always fun to watch because you never know how they will react. Ella is old enough that she was excited and didn't seem to be scared. Preston was willing to sit on his lap but wouldn't say a word and had a sort of stone face. It was so great having Will and Wendy and Annie back home. It made things feel right again. Wendy had two to sit on Santa's lap. We can't wait for May!Annie was sure to let Santa know just how she felt. She didn't want anything to do with him and when Will tried to put her on his lap, she held her legs as high as she could so they wouldn't touch him. Next year will be better. Sam wrestled as ususal and thought he won. No one will ever beat Santa!Amanda did the collect the pjs and run routine. It is always so fun to watch the first meeting with Santa. Dave, we're so glad you're here to stay!Anna, no laughing!
Kim the smart one in the family covered up with a huge bath robe to prevent shaving cream on any of her clothes.
(I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus...What a pair!)